The Professional Tennis U (PTU) Program was launched in January 2019 with a handful of new faces joining the Cliff Drysdale Tennis family. The "Where are they now?" series looks at how these employees have grown and developed inside -- and outside -- of the company. Michael Holder, a 25 year old from Horseshoe Bay, Texas, entered his post college years wondering what his next move should be. He had come from a tennis family and helped out on court in the past, but wasn't sure if he was cut out for a career in tennis. But he took a chance on the PTU Program, with a simple goal in mind. "I just wanted to become a better pro," said Holder. "I wasn't all that confident at the time, and I knew that if I was going to do this full time, I wanted to learn from coaches that had experience and could train me to become the best version of myself."
Fast forward over two years and where is Holder now? He's the Director of Tennis at The Clubs at Houston Oaks, a private club in Hockley, Texas. Over the weekend he hosted a Cliff Drysdale Tennis Touring Camp at his club, and reflected on his journey over the last two years.
CDT: When you look at where you are now to compared to when you started with the company, what would you say are the biggest changes? Holder: Biggest changes from now when I started with Cliff Drysdale is my growth as a pro and now a Director. Seeing my program grow to what it is now from when I started has been such a great experience. CDT: How did the PTU Program prepare you for a leadership position as Director, and what were the biggest challenges that positioned presented? Holder: PTU programed prepared me in many different ways but the best was on how to come in as a Director at my age and be ready for the task I needed to take off the court. I felt my knowledge of the classes made the admin work I was doing a little easier for myself. CDT: What do you view as the things you're currently working on from a career development standpoint? Holder: Things I'm working on for a career development standpoint is alway's learning new things to teach my member's on court and to create great opportunities for them as well with play options. I take all the connections with my team members in great value to make me a better coach for my members.